Welcome to the Copdock and Washbrook Neighbourhood Planning website. The material on this website has been provided by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group who are working on behalf of the Parish Council.

What is neighbourhood planning?

Neighbourhood planning gives communities the ability to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area.

What are the benefits to a community of developing a neighbourhood plan?

Neighbourhood planning enables communities to play a stronger role in shaping the development of areas in which they live.  It provides the opportunity for communities to set out a positive vision for how they want their community to develop over the next 15- 20 years in ways that meet identified local need and make sense for local people.

To help deliver their vision, communities that take a proactive approach by drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan which secures the support of local people in a referendum, will benefit from 25% of the revenues from the Community Infrastructure Levy arising from the development that takes place in their area.

The Copdock and Washbrook Neighbourhood Plan

The Copdock and Washbrook Neighbourhood Plan was offered to the village in a referendum that took place on 24 March 2022. Over half of those who voted (57%) chose to reject the Plan which meant that it could not be adopted by Babergh District Council.

Since that time, the Steering Group has been re-formed to redraft the plan – ‘Neighbourhood Plan Lite.’  This second version does not make any reference to specific sites for development or housing numbers, but focuses simply on general policy statements to be adopted.  

Residents can keep track of progress by viewing minutes of Steering Group meetings which will be posted under the “Supporting Documentation” tab. Updates will also be provided through the Parish Council’s Facebook page which can be accessed here Copdock and Washbrook Village Site - Village Information. Any questions or requests for further information should be addressed to The Clerk of the Parish Council, who can be contacted at clerk@copdockandwashbrook.org